Included in Don't Starve Patch: New Gameplay Settings // Find Adventure Mode Easier!
The guys behind Don't Starve, Klei Intertainment just released a Don't Starve patch or a hotfix how they like to call it.Among the changes, the two key changes that we think you'll be interested in are:
New Settings Let You Speed Up Early Gameplay!
There is a new preset called "default plus" in the world configuration menu. It give you a quicker start in a harsher world, and is intended for experienced Don't Starve players once they know how to survive the first in-game week, and want to jump ahead to the more complicated part.
This preset gives you a collection of random items and crafting materials at the start of the game, so you can bootstrap your base. It also adjusts the the user-changable sliders a bit to make the world more challenging, and introduces some harder areas that were previously only in adventure mode.
Discover Adventure Mode Easier!
We noticed that some people were having a hard time discovering adventure mode. The Divining Rod is now a craftable item (instead of a findable) and includes an item description that alludes to it's usefulness as a tool for escape.
For more information you can check Klei's official website.