Every once in a while, you can find great games on the Appstore, Legend of the Skyfish fits perfectly into that category. Sporting a beautiful hand-drawn artstyle and a great musical score, you'll play as Little Red Hook, an innocent girl caught in the midst of a turmoil, all caused by greed. Separated from her little brother, our heroine with the help of a magic whale and a fishing rod sets out on a quest to reunite with her brother and stop Skyfish, this monstrous flying well, fish.
Taking a look at the screenshots, you get this idea that the game might be similar to The Legend of Zelda games and while we can all say it is heavily inspired from them, that's not entirely true. Yes, the artstyle and some of the mechanics are very reminiscent of the GBA and DS era Zelda games, but it doesn't have what made those games great. I am talking about the open-world, go anywhere whenever, tackle the game however you want.
Legend of the Skyfish is level based and while there is nothing wrong with that, I would have loved to have just one massive open world with Red Hook running around kicking ass, finding cool mysteries and secrets, solving puzzles, upgrading her equipment slashing down Skyfish at the end. Unfortunately we don't get that, but what we get still works just great. The levels do a great job at introducing new mechanics step by step and the difficulty ramps up quite nicely.
Red Hook has just a fishing rod that she can use as a grappling hook for traversing or perform a "Get over here" MK inspired move on the enemies. The other function of the rod is as a sword to take down the enemies. Each level features some sort of puzzle or puzzles, that range from just stepping on a button to challenging time-based ones. These mechanics are well developed, but still many overstay their welcome as in many levels you'll end up doing the same thing over and over again. The same can be said about the enemies as to me they pose no real threat to you, taking them out is a piece of cake, but they had to be there, I guess, cause reasons... Boss fights in the other hand are quite interesting as each boss has different moves so you kinda have to watch out for yourself.
In the end, Legend of the Skyfish is a cute game. I wish there were more variety, more weapons, more enemies, more stuff to do. But what's there is great and is well worth the asking price in my opinion. Thanks for reading!