A neat and simple puzzle game!
Asymmetric is a new tricky puzzle game for iPhone, iPad and the Apple TV. The idea is really simple: You have to reunite two characters - each on either side of the screen - by guiding them through mazes. You control both characters in each move, but they always move in opposite directions!
That's about it, that's the whole game. I like puzzle games and especially love the ones that hurt my brain in the good kind of way. Asymmetric is one of those puzzle games. Yes, the gameplay is pretty basic and simple to understand, but it is kinda hard to master. As every other puzzle game, it starts easily, a couple of moves and that's it onto the next level.
But as you go through the levels the difficulty ramps up quickly and since the levels are not symmetric, as the title suggests (duh!), you are up for a challenge. You have to think your moves before executing and you have to wrap you mind around the whole inverse movement that is going to happen. Yeah, you'll definitely love it if you are up for a challenge.
The presentation is also very simple and minimalist in style, the levels are extremely simple basically top-down square grids with "cubes" serving as obstacles for your circle characters. Luckily the dev has just released a new update, a Christmas themed one which changes the color of the grids to a snowy white, changes the boring cube obstacles into trees and the characters into Santa and Rudolf. It's a neat and welcomed free update to a good premium $1,99 puzzle game.
Does it get our recommendation? Yeah, totally. You'll also help an upcoming fellow developer! Happy Holidays everyone!