Feast your eyes as Ubisoft releases more Watchdogs screenshots... or should you be worried?
Ubisoft just released these new screenshots for Watch Dogs. Now there has been a lot of talks on the internet about how good Watch Dogs used to look before and how ugly it got as time passed by, but we don't really see that in the pictures below.
But if we delve more into the screenshots, we clearly see that these are not actual game screenshots. These look highly enhanced and as we have become accustomed to, this kind of thing happens a lot in the gaming industry. This is a well known tactic, take an existing screenshots and enhance the sh*t out of it using all kinds of wizardry. There are a couple of GIFs right now where you can see that some sort of a graphical downgrade happened, but somehow with these screenshots Ubisoft is showing that the downgrade never happened. However the game cannot look this good, there is now way it will look this good. Or maybe we are totally wrong... Take a good look yourself and tell us what you think.
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