Ho, ho, ho, it's that time of year. Time of happiness, time of holidays, time of sitting back and enjoying the great things life offers. One of these things, since you are here reading this instead of going out and getting drunk with your friends, is gaming. We all love to buy games or better say collect games, I am looking at you Steam users. We also love to gift games to our loved ones, friends and family so we can play with them. We love to hunt animals in the mountains of Kyrat or assassinate french people or b*tchslap Crota with our friends.
But getting all these great games during the holidays will hurt your wallet, like really really badly. You might spend hundreds of dollars trying to get all of the games for whatever platform you might own. Lets say you want to get Assassin's Creed Unity for your PC. Lets say your first choice for looking to buy the game is Amazon. Currently AC Unity is priced at $49.99 physical disc and $59.99 digital download code on Amazon...that's a lot for a gamer on a budget! The same price goes for Far Cry 4 and The Crew on PC for both physical and digital download.
Or lets say you want to walk to Mordor, even though one does not simply walk into Mordor, in the latest Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor, on Amazon it has a $39.99 price tag for the digital download. A bit pricey, maybe?
These were a few examples of PC games, but what about console gaming? I, myself, am mainly a console guy with the PS4 as the main platform for gaming. So how do I/we find out if there is any deal out there? Sure we can go to the PSN store and hope for a good deal as part of the 12 Days of Christmas promotion Playstation is having at the moment. But we all know that the console market is pricey, way more than the PC one. For example, one of the best games ever made, The Last of Us is priced at $39.99 on the US store and £39.99 on the UK store...
$39.99 this and $99.98 those...that's a lot of money to spend for just a few games. So what to do? Well, for the past couple of weeks I've been finding cheap PC and PS4 gaming deals using the CheapDigitalDownload.com website. Now before you jump the gun and say there are a ton of websites just like this, I know, but this is the one I've been personally using and I am quite pleased with the results.
Assassin's Creed Unity on PC? Sure, just €19.98. Far Cry 4 and The Crew on PC as DD? €32.85 and €33.59 respectively. What about The Last of Us? Well, I found an amazing deal that's super worth it, just €23.19. I mean, sure you can find these deals yourself, by just googling and surfing for hours or checking Twitter every second, but do you really want to spend the holidays doing that?
I sure don't, that's why I use cheapdigitaldownload.com!