Crypt Custodian Review

• written by Krist Duro
Crypt Custodian Review

Crypt Custodian is a delightful Metroidvania that drew me in with its quirky art style, smooth gameplay, and smart design choices.

If you've read some of my past reviews, you already know that I am a big fan of Metroidvania games, especially when they are great. So, safe to say, I was pretty excited to try out Crypt Custodian and happy to say that I was not disappointed. The game tells the tale of Pluto, a mischievous cat who has just died and landed in the Afterlife's Palace.. After a disastrous, and dare I say hilarious, meeting with the Afterlife Guardian, Kendra, you end exiled and sentenced to be the afterworld's janitor... FOREVER! What initially seems like such a bothersome task, soon turns into an interesting adventure as you set out exploring this vast realm and uncover its dark secrets.

It's here where Pluto encounters a colorful cast of whimsical characters who have also been condemned to the underworld. Several become your companions on your journey, each with their own distinct personality. As you explore the underworld and help solve their personal struggles, the true darkness lurking in the underworld starts to be uncovered. By collecting scattered photos throughout the map, you start piecing together the tragic backstories for each companion that add genuine pathos. The way the game blends whimsy and sincerity through its characters is part of what makes this Crypt Custodian's world so endearing to experience.

An image showcasing the game described in this article.

The moment you start playing Crypt Custodian, you will be struck by how great it looks. While maintaining a hand-drawn aesthetic, the underworld is brought to life with vibrant colors and extremely detailed environments. Each new major area you discover feels unique, whether it's an eerie metallic high tower, a creepy basement, or just a colorful island landscape. This distinct visual identity gives Crypt Custodian a dreamlike quality that pulls you deeper into its world. The soundtrack also contributes greatly to the atmosphere, with its relaxing melodies that set the tone for exploration. It's crazy to think what just two talented people, in this case two brothers, are capable to achieve nowadays.

An image showcasing the game described in this article.

Controlling Pluto feels tight and responsive. Despite being viewed from an isometric angle, platforming feels precise. Jumping to new ledges or across gaps feels satisfying thanks to Pluto's gravity-defying abilities. As you progress through the game, in a metroidvania style, you unlock new abilities like mid-air dash which in turn unlock new paths for you too explore. Combat is simple yet quite enjoyable - mainly consisting of Pluto smacking enemies with his trusty broom. What keeps battles engaging are enemy variety and the depth granted by purchasable upgrades or trinkets. Some upgrades enhance Pluto's abilities while others provide handy buffs to your stats like higher attack speeds or more damage when low on health and things like that. Also, scattered throughout the map are challenging combat rooms that require mastering different enemy patterns and at the end grant you a new upgrade, special attack or just upgrade points that allow you to equip more upgrades.

An image showcasing the game described in this article.

The underworld is also filled with lots of puzzles that encourage experimentation. Some involve hitting elemental orbs to light up switches, requiring careful planning and movement to solve. Others demand manipulating platforms so you can progress or utilizing your platforming skills to avoid fire and whatnot. No puzzle feels unfair, with solutions usually becoming apparent after a minute or two of studying the scenario. Each region contains its share of secrets tucked away in hard to reach places, so get exploring as you never know what you might find.

An image showcasing the game described in this article.

Crypt Custodian is a delightful Metroidvania that drew me in with its quirky art style, smooth gameplay, and smart design choices. Pluto’s otherworldly journey had me glued to my screen for hours, offering a perfect blend of exploration, combat, and puzzles. While yeah, a few of the fights could feel a bit straightforward, that hardly took away from the experience. Crypt Custodian does a fantastic job of crafting a world that’s both charming and a little spooky, making it a joy to get lost in. Yeah, I really like this game and I highly recommend it. Thanks for reading!

Crypt Custodian was reviewed on a PS5 via a promo code provided by the publisher. Crypt Custodian is available on Xbox, PC, PS5 and Switch.

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